How to Remove Bathroom Mildew

If there’s one room in your house you should probably clean a little more thoroughly and often, it’s your bathroom. Not only are there a lot of germs traipsing through that little room, it harbors other issues as well. One of those can be mildew. Thankfully, this isn’t the worst issue your bathroom can face. And we’re here to provide some hints on how to remove bathroom mildew before it gets the best of you.

What Is Mildew?

Mildew is actually part of the mold family. It thrives in dark, warm, moist areas. These can include attics and basements, as well as bathrooms. And especially in the desert, where we don’t experience much humidity—and most of us don’t have basements and attics—the bathroom is where mildew lives.

While mildew and mold are both members of the fungi family, mildew isn’t as challenging to deal with as other types of mold. That means how to remove bathroom mildew is easier than how to remove bathroom mold. That’s one good thing.

The look of mildew varies. It can be light grey or white all the way to dark brown and black. It is usually powdery in appearance, and you can usually see it, unlike mold. Mildew lives on the surface of walls, tile, drapery, and shower curtains. And it has a distinctive musty smell.

Is Mildew Dangerous?

Much like other molds, mildew isn’t something you want to become best buddies with. While not as dangerous to people or your home as mold, mildew can cause issues. You definitely want to know how to remove bathroom mildew to keep your home and family safe.

Some of the health issues mildew may cause include:

  • Respiratory conditions, including coughing and sneezing
  • Aggravated symptoms of asthma
  • Shortness of breath
  • Compromised immune symptom, primarily in severe cases

In addition, mildew is no friend to your home. If left untreated, it may result in:

  • Compromised structural integrity
  • Permanent damage to surfaces, including walls, furniture, and fabrics

How to Remove Bathroom Mildew

Thankfully, in most cases, mildew is easy to remove from bathrooms. Obviously, it’s best not to let it occur in the first place, but if you do find that you have mildew, it all comes down to some heavy cleaning.

There are two tried-and-true approaches for how to remove bathroom mildew. Fortunately, both require nothing more than items found in your pantry.

  1. Mix one cup bleach with one gallon of warm water. Wearing gloves, use this mixture to scrub all areas of the shower, tub, and sinks. A brush with stiff bristles is the best way to do this. The bleach effectively cleans and kills the mildew.
  2. Spray all affected surfaces with white vinegar. Let stand 1–2 hours and scrub with a brush and rinse. Make a paste of three parts baking soda to one part water. Apply this paste to all mildew and spray again with vinegar. Scrub or wipe all mildew away.

After whichever option you choose, be sure to rinse all areas thoroughly.

Better Yet: Avoid Mildew in the First Place

If you are having to worry about how to remove bathroom mildew, you probably have a bathroom that is not well ventilated. Plus, in many cases, it’s not being cleaned properly.

Here are the top ways to avoid getting mildew:

  • Keep your bathroom clean. That includes cleaning all surfaces, washing window coverings and mats, and wiping down the shower curtain. Ideally, your bathroom should be thoroughly cleaned weekly.
  • Ventilate the bathroom. Open windows and doors as much as possible, and turn on the vent when there’s not another ventilation option.
  • Circulate the air as often as possible. If you have an AC vent in the bathroom, make sure it stays open.

Clearly, a clean bathroom is the best way to avoid mildew. If you’re wondering how to remove bathroom mildew, you might need help with keeping things clean. And Carnation Home Cleaning is here for you.

With regular home cleaning using only natural products, we help avoid getting your bathroom into a sticky, stinky, mildewy situation. Contact us to learn more about our services and schedule your first cleaning!

